Additional Services offered across Rosewood PCN

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Roundwood Surgery is part of Rosewood Primary Care Network (PCN) which is a collection of GP Practices around Wood Street and Rosemary Street in Mansfield.

Collectively, we have a range of additional clinical and non-clinical specialities which are available for patients registered within the PCN practices (Acorn Medical Practice, Churchside Medical Practice, Forest Medical Group, Millview Surgery & Roundwood Surgery)

To support Clinicians in surgery and patients within the PCN, we have teams offering services to our patients where they may not need an appointment to see a GP. This is to help reduce the waiting time to be seen by a doctor.

  • Health & Wellbeing Coach
  • Musculoskeletal Specialist
  • Mental Health Team (incl. Mental Health Occupational Therapists and Mental Health Nurse)
  • Community Nursing Team (incl. Practice Nurse & Nursing Associate)
  • Specialist PSA (prostate cancer) Team incl. Specialist Nurse & Consultant
  • Specialist Learning Disability Nurse Practitioner
  • Clinical Pharmacy Team
  • Social Prescribing Team (non-clinical)
  • Severe Multiple Disadvantage Team (non-clinical)

If an appointment is required with any of these specialist teams, it could be offered any one of Rosewood PCN practices.